Sometimes, the sun rises in the West...Boundless Brothers talk love and, er, monsters…

Boundless Brothers are a three-piece rock band based in Cornwall in the South-West of the UK. Formed by brothers Sam and Sebastian Wilson they have cut a swathe through the music scene over the last few years with a string of pop-infused, indie-tinged tunes about the highs of love and the ever so lows of loss. Hard on the heels of their debut album, Love and Monsters, Full Send Magazine caught up with the trio from their sea-side base.
Since your inception as Blue Horyzon, you’ve been on quite a musical journey. How did you get to where you are today?
As a band we started in Bluegrass, but our influences lean more towards rock music and have been since we were young. Over time our sound has evolved and changed with the line-up of the band. Particularly since drummer Bo (Payne) joined. Since then we have found our unique sound, but we will, no doubt, continue to evolve over time.
As Seb and Sam grew up on heavy rock music, do you sometimes feel like ‘pass me the Les Paul and turn the gain up to 11?
Yes, growing up we lived in a household filled with heavy rock music. We listened to Metallica, Green Day and Linkin Park, so the temptation is always to bust out the electric guitars.
However, as artists, we feel like the acoustic sound suits our music better.
Where in the musical universe do you place yourselves now?
Like most artists we cross genres, and our music reflects many different influences. However, at the moment we’d probably go for Pop Rock with a strong focus on vocal harmonies.
Who are your contemporaries?
Artists such as Kodaline, James Bay and Bastille.
You’re currently based in Cornwall, so a little cut off from the music scene. Any plans to move to the big city?
Although, geographically, we might appear to be far away, there is a thriving music scene in Cornwall, so there are no plans at present. However, we’re planning on more tours across the country this year and into next to get our name out there and get exposure to new live audiences.
Your lyrics seem to deal with issues from everyday life with songs about being in and out of love, but there’s a dark undercurrent in there. Where does that come from?
[Sam] I tend to write about personal things, and love is a topic on my mind quite a lot of the time. I try to write lyrics that will provoke the imagination, and also, like many, I’ve suffered with mental health over the years which creeps into my songwriting. Life is a balance of light and dark isn’t it?

What’s been the reaction to your debut ‘Love and Monsters’ album been like? Any plans to tour it around the UK?
The reactive from fans has been overwhelmingly positive, with comments such as: “It’s the first album I’ve been able to listen to all the way through in years” and “Your songs are so relatable and have got me through a really tough time in my life” This type of feedback means a lot to us and is very humbling. We’ve even had requests for the chords so that fans can learn them! Hearing somebody else cover one of our songs would be awesome!
So now onto the difficult second album. Have you started putting this together yet?
We’re constantly working on new songs, and in the next few months we’ll begin the process of trimming these down for the next album. Releasing the first album was a massive milestone for us and we learnt a lot along the way. We want to make sure that we use that experience and give the second album the same care and attention that we gave the first. The hope is to release a single or two later this year to give fans a taste of what’s coming.
You’ve had some guest performers on live shows in recent times, any plans to recruit some permanent members?
Yes, we did have some session musicians playing our bigger shows with us last year. It worked well and definitely enhanced our sound on the larger stages. We plan to use them in same way again this year, however, for now at least, we want to keep the core as the three of us as we work really well together, bounce of each other don’t annoy each other (too much). We don’t want to spoil the group dynamic.
What’s the ambition for the future?
2023 was great year for us and releasing the album was a long-term ambition finally realised. We’re hoping to tour the album later this year and into 2025. We want to keep enjoying what we do and to keep moving forward. We know how lucky we are to be doing something we love.
Love and Monsters was one of the best debut albums of 2023 and is available now on digital download from all leading distributors!